Student Outreach and Retention Center

SIP Grants


Approved SOAR Affiliates can now access the Outreach Student-Initiated Project (OSIP) or Retention Student-Initiated Project (RSIP) grants on their Submittable application.

Steps to access your OSIP and RSIP Grant Application:

  1. You can find the grants by logging into the Submittable account that submitted the "SOARing for Education Affiliation Program - '24-'25" Affiliation Submission.
  2. Click on the name of your submission.
  3. Navigate to the "FORMS" tab where both the OSIP & RSIP Grant forms are available.
    • The grant forms are only tied to and accessible through the original Affiliation application on the Submittable account.
    • Access can not be given or shared between other Submittable accounts.

The deadline for OSIP & RSIP Grants is: Friday, November 8th at 11:59 pm

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